Tag Archives: Falla

The Blue Shift

Stockholm, Second Round The news came in last night (over the wire) that Australia has secured a non-permanent place on the United Nations Security Council. For months we have been warned by a succession of government ministers that this was … Continue reading


Filed under ATP Tour

Anything Can Happen

Olympic Games, Day One Darcis d. (6) Berdych, 6/4 6/4 Giraldo d. Harrison, 7/5 6/3 It didn’t take long for my contention that Tomas Berdych is currently vulnerable in early rounds to be proved correct, although my equally assured conviction … Continue reading


Filed under ITF

A Mild Hangover

The week following Monte Carlo always feels like a small hangover after a modest bender, the queasy Saturday morning you spend lining your stomach with bacon and eggs ahead of the planned Bacchanal that night. We’ll all be riotously drunk … Continue reading

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Filed under ATP Tour

Skewed Straight Sets

Australian Open, Second Round (Day Three) Presumably everyone who cares to know is already exhausted by the unfolding brouhaha between the world’s finest male tennis players and the sport’s governing bodies. The salient issues include the excessive length of the … Continue reading

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Filed under Grand Slams

The Jingos

Australian Open, First Round Youzhny d. Ilhan, 6/2 6/3 7/6 Armed with the day’s schedule, a map of the grounds, and some marker pens, the family beside me – I dubbed them the Jingos – were laboriously charting their course … Continue reading

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Filed under Grand Slams