Spring Break


No posts on The Next Point this week. I’d apologise, but I’m having too lovely a time at the beach (beach pictured, lovely time implied). There’s some internet, but not enough to enable the viewing of professional tennis. There were some kids playing down at the local courts earlier, but I’m going to assume no one wants me to review that. For the record the boy with the terrible haircut lost to his big sister, and afterwards told her she played like an inspired junior.

Actually, now that I think of it, my week has not been entirely tennis free. For those fans who maintain that there is not and has never been such a thing as the big four, and that even if there was Andy Murray was not part of it, the small coastal town of Anglesea, Victoria has provided incontrovertible proof. Not only is there a big four, but they apparently co-own a holiday park, and it’s on Murray Street. I ambled down to take a look, but was stopped at the gatehouse, which was manned by David Ferrer. I was politely yet  firmly informed that the big four’s holiday park is not for the likes of me.


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